4 awesome places in the world that are most often followed by the hashtag #NoFilter

Busbud, an online service, analyzed Instagram’s use of the hashtag #NoFilter to see where people use it most often. The results were not just interesting, but rather amazing! The best places that do not need any decorations and filters at all, tourists considered those corners of our planet that are overflowing with natural beauty. This means that most people wanted to show their friends exactly the natural attractions as they are in reality.

We present to you the rating of places that, according to travelers around the world, are most worthy of the hashtag #NoFilter.

The highest percentage of hashtags #NoFilter was in the Bahamas.

Which is understandable, since the color of water and sand here is absolutely amazing.

In second place was Iceland.

Crazy natural beauty + lots of tourists = lots of #NoFilters hashtags.

The most "filterless" place in America, tourists considered Alaska.

Good morning Alaska!

A huge number of #NoFilter in the USA has earned the state of Vermont.

Hi Vermont! What a beautiful mountain!

Note that 7% of all analyzed images with the hashtag #NoFilter still ended up with filters. To give the photo the most natural look, most often people used the Juno filter.

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