12 mysterious places of the Earth that are inaccessible to mere mortals

Before going on an adventure to a new place, we try to find out as much as possible about it and, of course, study the map of the main attractions. But today we will talk about the corners of our planet, which will be difficult to get to even the most skillful and persistent travelers.

Kofuns, Japan

On these islands created by people are the ancient burial places of the imperial family.

North Sentinel Island, India

Aboriginal people who are very unfriendly and very aggressive towards strangers live here, so it is forbidden to approach the island.

Area 51, USA

Until 2013, the existence of this place had no official confirmation at all. Apparently, here is the US Air Force base.

Church of Mary of Zion, Ethiopia

Here is stored the Ark of the Covenant, access to which only the keeper has. Until the end of his days, this person has no right to leave the temple and communicate with other people.

Kahoolawe Island, USA

Radio television station BT Tower, UK

Once in the tower there was an explosion, and after that it was closed to the public. Now it is extremely rare to hold any events here, so getting here is very difficult.

The abandoned city of Varosha, Cyprus

It was once the most famous place for tourists. But after the invasion of Turkish troops in 1974, the city remained devastated, now it is guarded by the Turkish army.

Sable Island, Canada

Pionen Data Center, Sweden

The bunker of the Cold War is now redone under the storage of a Swedish hosting company.

Lascaux Cave, France

Access to tourists in this cave was closed in order to preserve this ancient cave art. Previously, travelers could easily visit here and see the wall with their own eyes.

Radar station "Don-2N", Russia

A structure 40 meters high and 140 meters wide, resembling a pyramid, is the main part of the Moscow missile defense system. Needless to say, getting here is extremely difficult?

Chronicle Hall, USA

In the famous Mount Rushmore there is a secret room where the most important historical documents of the United States are stored. A granite slab with a combination lock separates the room from the rest of the world.

Watch the video: Daily Catholic Mass - 2019-05-29 - Menezes (May 2024).

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