5 shortest flights in the world

For most of us, a flight is a serious event for which we, as a rule, thoroughly prepare. Often people are looking for drugs in pharmacies that will help them calmly endure this test or even oversleep it. Some take with them distracting crosswords, books, films that you can pass on for at least a half to two hours of flight. But what if the flight took such a short period of time for which you would not even have time to properly get in your chair? Imagine such flights exist! Here are the 5 shortest flights during which you would not even be able to get scared.

15 minutes

Destinations: Minamidaito, Kitadaito (Japan)

Number of passengers on the plane: 39

Number of flights per week: 4

The flight between the two Japanese islands takes 15 minutes and takes place on small airplanes.

10 minutes

Destinations: Small Cayman, Cayman Braque (Cayman Islands)

Distance: 21 km

Round-trip flight cost: $ 54

Cayman Islands is only 10 minutes away. A small plane runs between the islands, which does not even rise to great heights.

8 minutes

Destinations: St. Gallen (Switzerland), Friedrichshafen (Germany)

Distance: 21 km

Number of flights per day: 2

Number of Passengers: 50

Round-trip flight price: $ 45

This is the shortest international flight - 8 minutes.

Airplanes fly relatively small, but flights are frequent.

There are also 2 other ways to get from one city to another: by car and by ferry. But it is worth noting that it will take 10 times more time.

6 minutes

Destinations: Inishman, Connemara (Ireland)

Distance: 16 km

Round-trip flight price: $ 54

Ireland offers a 6-minute domestic flight.

The plane flies 3 times a day both on weekdays and on weekends. And this is the only way to get from Inishman to Connemara.

2 minutes

Destination: Westray, Papa Westray (UK)

Distance: 1.6 km

Number of passengers: 8

Number of flights per week: 6

Round-trip flight price: $ 30

Watch the video: 5 Shortest Flights in the World (May 2024).

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