16 creepy and strange living creatures as if from another planet

A huge number of different organisms live in our world, the existence of which many of us do not even suspect. But it turns out that there are so many bizarre and strange creatures in the world that it seems like they came from another planet and are now trying to hide among the diversity of local fauna. When looking at some of them, it becomes terribly and scary, while others, on the contrary, cause incredible tenderness and delight. One way or another, a meeting with them is always interesting and surprising, so we offer to get acquainted with the most striking and unusual representatives of the animal world right now.

Lesser Macropinna - fish with a transparent head

Horned goat

The horns of this charming animal look like a corkscrew.

A horned body is a tropical fish whose body really resembles a body or a small box of irregular shape

Chondrocladia lyra predatory sponge

It is hard to imagine that this plant, similar to a musical instrument, is actually a predatory animal.

Woodlouse devouring tongue

That is what this terrible parasite is called, or, if scientifically, Cymothoa exigua. Through the gills, it enters the mouth of the fish and, attached to the base of the tongue, sucks out blood. Due to a lack of blood, the tongue begins to atrophy gradually, after which the woodworm attaches its body to the muscles and completely replaces the tongue of the fish, performing all its functions.

Pike Sea Dog

At the first glance at this fish, its excessive aggressiveness becomes noticeable.

Sea bat

Off the coast of Costa Rica, there is a red-lipped fish that does not know how to swim. Instead, she walks along the bottom, luring small fish and shellfish with her bright lips.

Ecuadorian umbrella bird

Males of this species of birds in the center of the chest have a rather unusual “earring”, covered with scaly feathers and reaching a length of 35 centimeters.

Elephant fish

This fish also has a trunk, like the elephant.

Great California stingray

He looks strange, but very funny.

Glass frogs with transparent skin through which all the insides are visible

Roxellan rhinopithecus

These blue-faced monkeys are so beautiful that it is impossible to look away from them.

Drop fish is perhaps the most unattractive deep-sea fish

Octopus Dumbo or Grimpotevtis

This amazing creature lives at a depth of 100 to 7000 meters.

Ay-ai or madagascar arm

Ai-ai, although it looks intimidating, but in reality it is just an ordinary nocturnal primate, a mammal from the detachment of semi-monkeys.

Brownie Shark

This is who you really should be afraid of. Scientists know only 45 copies of this terrible nightmare. Just such a number of these sharks were caught or thrown ashore.

Watch the video: Creepy Desert Creatures! (May 2024).

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