Greenpeace Russia showed how the Earth is aging

Isobar Moscow has developed an interesting visual campaign in response to the hype that erupted around FaceApp. The agency has shown what will happen to our planet if the climate emergency continues.

The project was implemented in collaboration with Greenpeace Russia. It aims to raise awareness of the terrifying climate. The Moscow digital agency and Greenpeace have posted on Instagram a series of images that show how the most beautiful places on the planet will look if humanity cannot cope with the climate crisis.

In one of the first pictures, the second capital of Russia, St. Petersburg, flooded by the waters of the Neva River. These frames created such a resonance that many influential people immediately began to share the frightening images they saw, inviting their subscribers to become participants in the Russian Greenpeace movement.

Greenpeace Russia coordinator Polina Karkina in a recent interview says that unreasonable human actions led to climate change. The thoughtless use of coal, oil, and gas "turned the atmosphere into a trash can." An employee of the organization emphasized that the delicate balance was upset by man, and the climate, which was good for life, became hostile to us and all other life forms.

Watch the video: Should You Be Scared of Russia's Floating Nuclear Power Plant? (September 2024).

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