What name will not a single pope take and why

What kind of names did not have popes in the entire centuries-old history of Christianity. There were several Grigoriev, Innokentiev, Nikolaev, Benediktov. There were Pontian, Telesphor, Zephyrin, Eleutherius, Lin. And only one single name did not dare to take any of the pontiffs. The name of the founder of the Roman Church is Peter.

There is a prediction of the Irish archbishop of Malachi, who lived from 1094 to 1148. It consists of 112 small sentences presented in Latin and dedicated to the future of pontiffs. The document begins with Celestine II (1143) and ends with the Second Coming. The treatise was published in 1595. It was published by the Benedictine monk Arno de Vion in labor Vignum vitae ("The Tree of Life"). He also determined that the manuscript belongs to the works of the holy Irish. Allegedly he came to Rome and he had a prophetic vision of the popes.

This document has its supporters and opponents. He was seriously criticized in the 19th century by priest J. M. O'Brien. He argued that it was written in the interests of a certain circle of cardinals who wanted to occupy the papal throne.

Page from the book "Tree of Life" with a prediction about dads

The adherent of the prophecies was astrologer John Hoag. He composed the book "The Last Pope" and warned that everything is going as it was stated by St. Malachi, and all predictions will come true. In short, the author encrypted the names of all the popes in the text. After that, only the Apocalypse and the Second Coming.

The prophecy is stated as follows: "There will be oppression of the Holy Roman Church. And Peter Roman will ascend the throne, who will shepherd the flock despite many torments.". After which Rome will fall and the Last Judgment will come. That is, it turns out that after the pope by the name of Peter comes, the most interesting will begin. As you know, not a single cardinal wants to take such responsibility on himself, and therefore this name is not held in high esteem.

During the last conclave and the election of the current pope Francis, a surge of interest in the prophecy flared up again. The fact is that one of the possible candidates for the position of head of the Church was the black cardinal Peter Turkson from Ghana. His name sounds like Petrus in Latin. Thank God they didn’t.

However, some continue to argue that the last before Pope Peter the Roman was Benedict XVI (2005-2013). He is associated with the expression Gloria olivae ("The word of the olive"). He abandoned the Roman throne in early 2013. The current Pope Francis, according to some conspiracy therapists, is nevertheless "Peter the Roman." It is assumed that this is not a specific name, but a kind of symbol. In the world of the latter, Papa's name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio. When he was elected head of the church, he took the name of St. Francis. And that full name sounded like Giovanni Francesco di Pietro Bernardone. Still, Peter!

Watch the video: Cassadee Pope - Wasting All These Tears (May 2024).

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