Barcelona drone shots showing amazing harmony of urban architecture

Marton Mogherosi is a Hungarian photographer who knows how to make travelers, as well as just lovers of breathtaking urbanistic views, incomparable gifts. For example, this fresh series of photos in which he showed how magnificent Barcelona, ​​one of the most beautiful and luxurious cities in the world, is seen by birds. Mogherosi decided not to make hackneyed shots with all the famous cathedrals and buildings, but to concentrate on the less adored by the crowd, but no less valuable corners of the metropolis.

The author wants us to tear our eyes away from the bored legends of architecture and enjoy the unique symmetry of the landscapes of Barcelona. Harmony in every quarter is the leitmotif of inspired shooting.

Watch the video: Urban Civic Projects: with Arriola & Fiol Arquitectes, Barcelona (September 2024).

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