15 things familiar to Japan that the whole world so lacks

Japan is one of the most unusual and developed countries in the world, having at the same time a thousand-year history, distinctive culture and traditions. Many travelers who have been here call it the state of a different civilization. But Japan really has something to surprise. Its technology is always ahead of the whole world, and difficult geographical and natural conditions forced the Japanese people to be unusually inventive and think outside the box. Take a look at these photos, they will tell about the life and culture of this country much more eloquently than words.

Pressed T-shirts that fit even in your pocket.

Filter bags for brewing coffee directly in the cup.

Free disposable wipes to wipe the phone screen that dissolves in water.

In almost any hotel, even in an inexpensive one, guests can choose a pillow that is comfortable for them in height.

Chips flavored instant noodles.

Japan's largest bridge in height is compared with Godzilla.

In hospitals, cute robots put patients in a wheelchair.

Shops based on trust, in which there are no sellers, and buyers voluntarily leave the right amount of money.

Supermarkets are equipped with dry ice machines to keep your purchases cold longer.

Airport employees in Japan who apologize to passengers for a delayed flight.

On the screens in the airplane, passengers can see the same thing as the pilot.

In one of the shops in Tokyo, the steps show how many calories you burn by climbing them.

In Japan, in the elevators, in case a breakdown occurs, there are toilet bowls.

The upholstery of seats in public transport is immediately clear for whom they are intended.

A sticker in the subway says that the railing is antibacterial.

Watch the video: How to Time the Market w Milton Berg (May 2024).

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