Mirror test for self-awareness: which animals cope with it and which do not

A mirror test for self-awareness is used by scientists to determine the level of intelligence of various species of animals. Moreover, not all representatives of the fauna can pass it; only a few succeed. A person is able to overcome this test at the age of about 1.5 years, and cats and dogs, our beloved pets, which we consider the most quick-witted and cunning, are not able to recognize themselves in the mirror.

It is believed that a successfully passed mirror test for self-awareness is one of the indicators of a high level of development of intelligence. This interesting experiment is carried out in several stages. When the animal is in a state of sleep, a drawing is applied to its body with a special odorless paint. After awakening, the animal is brought a mirror in which he either recognizes himself or perceives reflection as another individual of his kind. If the animal recognized itself, then it begins to examine itself in the mirror, considering the place where the paint was applied.

The first mirror test was conducted in 1970 by Gordon Gallup, Jr., and chimpanzees acted as test subjects. Scientists placed them in separate rooms, and subsequently brought in a mirror. Observing the behavior of chimpanzees, scientists have developed a test called the “mirror test”.

It turned out that representatives of the hominid family, which includes people, also do the best job of mirror testing. The greatest successes in passing this test were made by chimpanzees, pygmy chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans. Among other mammals that are able to see themselves in the mirror, and not someone else, one can name elephants, killer whales and dolphins from the genus Bottlenose dolphin.

The only bird that is currently doing the mirror test is the magpie. Among the representatives of amphibians and reptiles such intellectuals were not identified, but they were found among the fish. It turned out that giant sea devils, huge fish from the genus of stingrays, may well determine what they see in the mirror themselves. But the main sensation, perhaps, can be considered ants. Belgian scientists who conducted experiments with ants, came to the conclusion that they can identify themselves in the mirror.

But a number of researchers believe that the failure of the mirror test is not a direct indication of the lack of self-awareness of the animal or the low level of development of its intelligence. For example, the German psychologist Helmut Prior, believes that the mirror test may not be suitable for dogs and cats, and the mirror itself cannot serve as an indicator of their perception of themselves and the world around them. Wanting to rehabilitate dogs and cats, Prior indicates that these animals are oriented in space and identify themselves and relatives in the first place by smell, and since the mirror does not emit any smells, the animals lose interest in him.

Despite some disagreements regarding the correct interpretation of the mirror test, it still remains one of the significant experiments in determining the level of intellectual development of various representatives of the animal world.

Watch the video: 10 Signs Youre Way More Intelligent Than You Realize (May 2024).

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